Monday, February 12, 2007

Getting About Time To Post Again...

Well I never posted on Blue Mountian but most of you have pretty much heard aoubt it by now. Cold, Awesome, and not long enough are the 4 words that pretty much sum up the day! Can't wait to SV on the 19th!! WOOT!! Although it's going to seem puny compared to the BLUE!

I'm tempted to say not a lot's been going on in my life cause that's an easy way to make an excuse for not posting, but actually it's been pretty busy. Thursday is Catechism, Friday is Toastmasters, this past week we had YP and we hosted a Seniors Dinner at the Church, I had three essays due on Thursday/Friday, we had skating this past week, the Blue and don't forget school and everything else that goes on with the rest of the family!! And because I'm not busy enough I thought I'd go to Niagra Falls today!! It was pretty cool with all the ice and stuff and we took a tour behind the falls but tomorrow I get to pay the punishment and I have to bury myself neck-deep in school work! Oh well. Anyway, just a quick update on my life, I'll try to post some pics on my other blog from Niagra. I'll try!! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Marie, kewl blog!! Good to see you @ Blue... i had a blast!!

Anonymous said...

man i haven't been on here in forever, my bad. we really really really hafta get together for some partying soon you know. it's been way too long...