I was reading this book the other day by Jane Kirkpatrick. It was called um, I forgot know and I'm to lazy to get it so whatever, anyway it was a good book. It told of three ladies who all lived in the same place in Oregon a place called Muddy Creek, but they are all in different eras. The last one takes place in 1997 with a lady who helps build a teen ranch called Wildhorse Canyon. The book is based on true stories so I decided to ehck it out on the net. THe ranch is real and you can check it out at Be sure to look at all the pictures of all the different activites!! THey look so awesome! I think we should book a conference there sometime. What do you think?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Mission Fest 2007!!

Electric guitarist from 'Hello Kelly' - he was just a bit eccentric!

Ben....I'm not quite sure what he was trying to do - I think Aaron's trying to figure it out!
To celebrate getting my G2 license I decided to go to Mission Fest last night. Well not really, I would have went even if I hadn't got my license, but getting my license sure helped make the night funner. We (Pete, Chrissy, Abby, Melissa, two other people from our church and me) left at 3:00. We spent quite a bit of time walking around in the vending hall. I think we tried every candy that was there! We needed to tell people which one was the best!! And then we talked to this guy who was giving out helium ballons! We told him we were from Bowmanville and he asked if we knew somebody named 'Frew'. I've heard of the name, so I told him maybe. And he was like 'That is so cool!' And then he proceeded to take a video of us so he could show his friend Frew! It was hilarious!
Next we walked around the whole outisde of the Congress Centre just for something to do. THen we walked to a nearby Tim Hortons and got some coffee. We spent some more time in the vending hall just walking around and looking at stuff, and just generally being hyper. By this time we've all (Melissa, Abby and I) had a coffee, a donut and who knows how many candies. We were very hyper!! Then after about asking the security guard 5 times we finally figured out where the line-up was for the concert. While in line, Melissa and ran out to Subway and got some supper. When we got back they were letting people in so we found our seat and ate our supper. Then we walked around and looked at the bands merchandise and waited for Ben and Aaron and the rest to come. Finally after like 1/2 hour of waiting Ben, Aaron, Jon, Katie and Jenny showed up just as they began the concert. First up was Kystaal. They're a band made up of three black guys. Enough said. We used the time they were up on stage to stock up on candies and get some water. Next up was 'Five O Nine'.
I've never heard them before but they were amazing. I bought one of their Cd's. and got an autographed picture of them. They were so worth going for. And the wierd thing is their home church is in Port Perry which is like 1/2 hours from here or not even. I might check it out sometime. If you want to look them up they are at or at Next was 'Hello Kelly'. I've never heard of them before either, but they weren't that great. 'Five O Nine' was definately better. And then Rebecca St. James...she sang for about an 1 hour and 1/2.
It was amazing too, I really liked the Praise and Worhsip songs she sang at the end. Her brothers, Joel and Luke also sang one song by themselves.
This is Joel. They are really good too. They are working on releasing a Cd, and apparently they have a few songs you can listen too, on My Space, at Melissa and I talked both of them after and they were pretty cool. All in all it was an awesome night. And if they have some good singers lined up for next year I'd definately consider going again. I'll try to get some more pictures up later.

I Got IT!!!
So for all of those who didn't know I went (for my 3rd time) to get my license today. And of course it has to be the day when we get the biggest ice storm all winter. I wake up at 7:15, jump up and look out my window....what a mess!! There are tree branches everywhere, the lawn is a huge mess of branches, sticks, snow, slush and ice! Great...of all days. Next I turn my radio on to trusty ol' 680 News. First thing I hear..'Environement Canada is advising all people to please stay off all roads unless absolutely nessecary, hydro poles and lines are down everywhere and it is very treacherous'! And then their list of cancellations was at least 10 mintues long! SoI get dressed, and cry for about 1/2 hour (not really:) and then finally at 8:30 I phoned the office and Yes they were open. So I went and the roads were completely clear in Oshawa and I got a huge PASS MARK!!! Now I"m so psyched!! I'm so happy!! Finally, Finally!! Anyway, I got to go.
An Update on My Life!
Hey all! Sorry to all of you who faithfully check my blog and have continually found no updates! So here I go and hopefully fill you on some of the things that have been going on in the past months or so.
We started February off with a bang when we went up to Blue Mountain on the 5th! It was bitterly cold but awesomely fun!! Most of you however either were there or heard all about it, so I won’t give you all the details. I did have some pictures from that day however for the longest time my camera wouldn’t let me upload my pictures onto my computer so unfortunately I couldn’t get them on here. Then right after I developed them and deleted them off my camera, I learned how to put the pics on my computer, a little too late for all my Snow Valley and Blue Mountain pictures though. Oh, well.
Then next came the thrilling yet horrific story of my attempts to get my license! I flew through my driving instruction with Driver’s Ed, passed my test and got a G2 test booked for the day after. I do the hour practice before hand with my instructor sit in the parking lot for like 20 minutes say hi to my not so nice looking examiner and off we go. I back out of my parking space, drive ahead to the left, stop look ahead, look right, look left, wait, wait, this is a really busy parking lot so I wait some more…now it looks clear ….so I ease off the brake start rolling ahead, turn to look back to the left, and BANG my examiner slams on her brake. Now I’m scared out of my wits, because my instructor never had to use her brake in all my lessons so by this time I have no idea what has happened to the car. Then the instructor says there was a truck coming from the left, he had the right of way. Recall, that I said I was looking back to the left as she slammed on her brake, I’m sure that I would have seen the truck and stopped but hey she’s the boss. So automatic FAIL! Except I still had to do the whole test, and I’m driving my whole test knowing I failed. It really stank, especially because I got everything else perfect. L
Now account #2: I have my test booked for Feb. 14 – Valentines Day! It’s snowing really heavy all morning, and the roads are completely covered. My instructor phones to say she’ll be somewhat late because of the road conditions. I ask her to say if I should call the Testing Area people and see if they’re running, she assures me it’s ok because if they cancel they always phone you. Can you tell what’s going to happen yet? You bet, after another practice hour of driving around Oshawa on absolutely covered, totally unplowed and unsalted roads, we get to the Ministry of Transportation and: ‘Sorry we’re cancelled today! No we can’t call everyone because there are way too many people to call in one day So please excuse me because I have to sit here on my butt all day and tell everyone who comes in that we can’t do their test. Did I mention that I’m getting paid who knows how much for this?? (I added that last little bit in). Needless to say I was getting a little frustrated by now. So now I have another test booked for another day (I’m not supposed to tell anybody, because it causes me more stress and pressure!).
Besides attempting to get my license, I’m keeping buys with wrapping up my school for the year, toastmasters (a public-speaking course), catechism and Yp, and whatever else comes along. And now I’m looking for a job. If you know anybody that’s hiring….
Well I hope that you’re all enjoying winter and not hoping for spring too much. I’d love to hear from you all, either through comments or via email. (or in person would be even better!!)
We started February off with a bang when we went up to Blue Mountain on the 5th! It was bitterly cold but awesomely fun!! Most of you however either were there or heard all about it, so I won’t give you all the details. I did have some pictures from that day however for the longest time my camera wouldn’t let me upload my pictures onto my computer so unfortunately I couldn’t get them on here. Then right after I developed them and deleted them off my camera, I learned how to put the pics on my computer, a little too late for all my Snow Valley and Blue Mountain pictures though. Oh, well.
Then next came the thrilling yet horrific story of my attempts to get my license! I flew through my driving instruction with Driver’s Ed, passed my test and got a G2 test booked for the day after. I do the hour practice before hand with my instructor sit in the parking lot for like 20 minutes say hi to my not so nice looking examiner and off we go. I back out of my parking space, drive ahead to the left, stop look ahead, look right, look left, wait, wait, this is a really busy parking lot so I wait some more…now it looks clear ….so I ease off the brake start rolling ahead, turn to look back to the left, and BANG my examiner slams on her brake. Now I’m scared out of my wits, because my instructor never had to use her brake in all my lessons so by this time I have no idea what has happened to the car. Then the instructor says there was a truck coming from the left, he had the right of way. Recall, that I said I was looking back to the left as she slammed on her brake, I’m sure that I would have seen the truck and stopped but hey she’s the boss. So automatic FAIL! Except I still had to do the whole test, and I’m driving my whole test knowing I failed. It really stank, especially because I got everything else perfect. L
Now account #2: I have my test booked for Feb. 14 – Valentines Day! It’s snowing really heavy all morning, and the roads are completely covered. My instructor phones to say she’ll be somewhat late because of the road conditions. I ask her to say if I should call the Testing Area people and see if they’re running, she assures me it’s ok because if they cancel they always phone you. Can you tell what’s going to happen yet? You bet, after another practice hour of driving around Oshawa on absolutely covered, totally unplowed and unsalted roads, we get to the Ministry of Transportation and: ‘Sorry we’re cancelled today! No we can’t call everyone because there are way too many people to call in one day So please excuse me because I have to sit here on my butt all day and tell everyone who comes in that we can’t do their test. Did I mention that I’m getting paid who knows how much for this?? (I added that last little bit in). Needless to say I was getting a little frustrated by now. So now I have another test booked for another day (I’m not supposed to tell anybody, because it causes me more stress and pressure!).
Besides attempting to get my license, I’m keeping buys with wrapping up my school for the year, toastmasters (a public-speaking course), catechism and Yp, and whatever else comes along. And now I’m looking for a job. If you know anybody that’s hiring….
Well I hope that you’re all enjoying winter and not hoping for spring too much. I’d love to hear from you all, either through comments or via email. (or in person would be even better!!)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Getting About Time To Post Again...
Well I never posted on Blue Mountian but most of you have pretty much heard aoubt it by now. Cold, Awesome, and not long enough are the 4 words that pretty much sum up the day! Can't wait to SV on the 19th!! WOOT!! Although it's going to seem puny compared to the BLUE!
I'm tempted to say not a lot's been going on in my life cause that's an easy way to make an excuse for not posting, but actually it's been pretty busy. Thursday is Catechism, Friday is Toastmasters, this past week we had YP and we hosted a Seniors Dinner at the Church, I had three essays due on Thursday/Friday, we had skating this past week, the Blue and don't forget school and everything else that goes on with the rest of the family!! And because I'm not busy enough I thought I'd go to Niagra Falls today!! It was pretty cool with all the ice and stuff and we took a tour behind the falls but tomorrow I get to pay the punishment and I have to bury myself neck-deep in school work! Oh well. Anyway, just a quick update on my life, I'll try to post some pics on my other blog from Niagra. I'll try!! :)
I'm tempted to say not a lot's been going on in my life cause that's an easy way to make an excuse for not posting, but actually it's been pretty busy. Thursday is Catechism, Friday is Toastmasters, this past week we had YP and we hosted a Seniors Dinner at the Church, I had three essays due on Thursday/Friday, we had skating this past week, the Blue and don't forget school and everything else that goes on with the rest of the family!! And because I'm not busy enough I thought I'd go to Niagra Falls today!! It was pretty cool with all the ice and stuff and we took a tour behind the falls but tomorrow I get to pay the punishment and I have to bury myself neck-deep in school work! Oh well. Anyway, just a quick update on my life, I'll try to post some pics on my other blog from Niagra. I'll try!! :)
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