Tuesday, April 03, 2007


So for those of you don't know yet, I'm leaving tonight to go to my Aunt and Uncle's for a couple weeks. So if yu nottice that I'm absent from the blogging world, (at least more absent than usual) now you know why! The good thing is I get to see everybody from Nobleton on Sundays. Can't wait to see you guys! The sad thing is because I'm supposed to be helping them I probaly won't be on the internet much. Which isn't entirely a bad thing.

Anyway hope you all have a Blessed Easter. See ya in a few weeks! Bye!

Ps. Just to explain why I never got pictures up from the last SV day - my computer went nuts and deleted tons of programs along with almost all of my pics from last couple months. :( And unfortunately the 150 that were still on my camera....well my brother 'accidentely' pushed the 'Delete All' Button. So yeah no fun!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the computer - brothers, eh... I've done the old hasty delete thing too. I'm not sure exactly what happened but there are programs for digging up deleted files. Guess it depends on how much you miss them. ^_^

Have a good outing, eh. Hopefully the internet withdrawl won't be too bad.

Heidi said...

oooh burn.... I would be so mad at my brothers if they did that...

good thing other people took piles of pictures that you can steal eh?

have fun at you r aunts, see you on sunday!


Heidi <><

Mel said...

WHAT A DUMB COMPUTER!!! Man...or, what was that about your brothers? I think I read that too quickly.

Anyways...have fun girl, I'm gonna miss you!! Hopefully I can catch you on msn a few times.

Anonymous said...

Oh man... I know what you mean, someone once by accident deleted all my pics on my camera too. :( But at least I got them back.. thanks to some of my cousins that are like pro on computer!
Well have a great time helping your Uncle and Aunt! I'l miss you on the hike.

Mel said...

Hey you need a new post! :-)

When are you coming home?

I miss you.

Oh, question: When are you coming home?

And just one more...when are you coming home? :-D

Janelle said...

Awesome that is sooo cool!!!!!!!

Its means i get to see u more:D:D:D:D

haha i get to see her mel and u don't:P

sorry that was mean can u forgive me??

Mel said...

Haha, Marie, I was lookin' at your profile one second ago and found 'Karen Kinksbury' was your favourite author.

lol :-)

Mel said...

Oh Janelle...you are SO MEAN!

Nope, you remain unforgiven.
