Here are some pics from Snow Valley last Monday! One of the best Snow Valley days yet, especially becuase I got my blue!! I was pretty proud of myself! You should of seen me when I got home, my little brother ran in ahead of me and was yelling, 'Mom, Mom, I got my blue on the first try'. So I followed his example and my Mom looked at me kind of wierd...yah anyway, it was an awesome time. Most of you know how the day went from everybody else accounts so I'll leave this as is and try to post some pictures.
This was taken to prove that Mark went on the lift with me! It was a pretty big accomplishment for him! Esepecially because he agreed to smile for the camera!!

And on of Albert, the reason he's so happy is he just woke up from his nap!! Silly guy napping during a Snow Valley day...oh well I guess he had a good reason.
- And now my computer is being sooooooo slow, that I really shouldn't tie up the phone line up for more than an 1 1/2 - yes that's how long it took me to get two pictures up. For those of you who have highspeed be extremely thankful! I'll try to get more up some other time when there is a better connection.

And on of Albert, the reason he's so happy is he just woke up from his nap!! Silly guy napping during a Snow Valley day...oh well I guess he had a good reason.
- And now my computer is being sooooooo slow, that I really shouldn't tie up the phone line up for more than an 1 1/2 - yes that's how long it took me to get two pictures up. For those of you who have highspeed be extremely thankful! I'll try to get more up some other time when there is a better connection.
Hey good post!
I haven't been on your blog in ages.. so sorry!
Nice pictures :P Too bad it takes so long. I still haven't found that USB chord... :-S
hey how come your post says it was done on Monday March 19 but then says last week monday??
Thanks guys for the prob. Heidi, I'm bad for that too.
Hey Mel that sucks, should see if any of our USB cords work.
And 'Hi' back!! :)
Um I'm not sure Heidi, maybe my date things messed up, I'll check it out...
awesome post for an awesome day!!!
THanks Janelle! Yah it was seems so long aho already.
I can't believe it. Today we were playing's so warm out now.
YEa it got crazy warm this week!! T-shirts most of the day!!
I acually enjoyed it altho i do miss the snow wish we could have weather like this but the Ski resorts have snow all year around!!!
sigh...........that would be nice:D
Yah I really miss the snow too...
I just want summer to come now so we can party! :-)
*yawn* see yah this aft.
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