Monday, April 30, 2007

A few more pics from yesterday...

Michael and David's fort! I don't think I mentioned it in my last post, but during Man Hun Cory was chasing me, and I had no where to go so I headed down the lane, I ran full out as long as I could (which really isn't that long) and then decided that rather than run the mile and a half to the other end of our property and to the first real hiding place I thought I'd take refuge in Michael and David's fort! Guess if I got caught or not??!! ;)

Melissa enjoying her new series of books and the warm sunshine at the same time!

Matt, Michael and David clearing a path for the four-wheeler!!


Mel said...

That was so funny when you ran like, a mile trying to get away. :-)

Cool pics btw, I love Maddie, I'm going to kidnap her. :-)

Janelle said...

haha cool pictures!!!!

sorry mel i already have the first bid right marie:D

Jo said...

awesome pics.. :)

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, he saw you throuhg the cracks? Cool fort:) How does Matt like the four wheeler?

~Marie~ said...

Hey, hey guys! Don't fight over her...she's mine for a long time yet!!!

Acutally Karen he saw me run into the fort and then he just opened the door!!! Very good hiding on my part! :)

Matt's loving the four-wheeler! He goes for a daily rip 'around the block'. Through the lane up to the fifth, down Lawrence Rd. and then back to our place. His record is like 8 minutes!!

Anonymous said...

Haha, brings back good memories!

(Hey Marie! :P *wave*)

Anonymous said...

yah good hiding marie:) david showed me the fort the last time we were at your place. its pretty cool