Monday, April 30, 2007
A few more pics from yesterday...

Getting About Time for a post...
And for those of you who didn't know, I was unfortunatley unable to make it to OCHEC this year, one of the saddest weekends of my life. :( Well I kind of got over that a couple of weeks ago (though I'm still just as sad and mad about it) and I spent the week getting back into home life. Last week was really dreary most of the time which kind of stinked, but now that the weather's back to sunny and relatively warm I've been spending every spare moment outside.
Yesterday we had Rev. Pennings preach in our Church, and he had two excellent sermons! Apparently we've had him before but I don't remember him. And he is definately 'rememberable'! He talks in a very clear and VERY loud voice!! It was also louder because my family was like the latest we've ever been to church and we had to sit in the very front row!!
After church we quickly had lunch and then Matt, Chris, Tim walked over to Vogel to hitch a ride to the Nursing Home. After running up and down the road a few time trying to get the dogs to stay at home we finally made it to Vogels. By that time we were nice and hot and sweaty and then we got to sit in the nursing home for a 1/2 hour and then race off to church and sit in a very warm (at least to us) sanctuary for another hour or so. But who are we to complain, the warm weather is awesome!
After Church we went home again (I bet you didn't see that one coming!) :) Well it was acutally quite an event, because it was my family (10) plus my Opa, plus Melissa and Kristyn, plus Christi, plus Issac. The reason was we had coffehouse so some of the people just came home with us. It was squishy but fun! When we got home Melissa and I jammed for a while, well we jammed about as much as you can jam on a piano and flute! :) She had an awesome new piano book with her so we had tons of fun with that. We played some soccer outisde and then we had supper and then we played some more soccer. Around 7:30 most of the people were there and we started some peope. To my brother's chagrin it was quite the disorganized game and people kind of just went and came when they felt like it. He hates any kind of disorganization especialy in sports and most esepecially in baseball! Anyway he got over it and we had fun, at least I think most of us did!
After that we played a whole whack of games of Man Hunt. More disorganization. Because of the amount of people once there was a substantial group they would just start the game over and the poor people who were paitently hiding would have to discover that no one was no longer looking for them. Then halfway through the game James, Justin, and Amanda showed up! Soon after we went into the house and sang until about 10:00. Matt and James played the guitars for us! It sounded awesome! Thanks guys!
Most of the peopl left around 10, but James, Justin and Amanda stayed till about quarter till 11. My Dad showed us this DVD of this old country westers singer John Denver, who had this ridiculous back-up singer who didn't sing but danced! Amanda kept asking my Dad if she was drunk! She was so hilarious (the dancer I mean!). Then Amanda thought that it was a guy with a wig on because her face was so wierd looking. So in the end we concluded that it was John Denver's brother in a disguise! My Dad told us we'd ruined that song forever and he'll never be able to watch it without thinking of what we told him! So after we had jammed a bit more in the basement, Justin decided it was time to go home. After he had done an imitation of John Denver's 'brother's' dancing and he attempted some handstands!! He was so hyper by the time they left! Needless to say we had TONS of fun! And we've concluded that we should really try to get together more often!
Well I think this post is long enough now. I've added some pics from today, our collection of animals at the moment! Everything looks better when the sun's out and it's warm so I armed myself with the camera today and had fun. Enjoy! oh and one note guys, comment are GREATLY appreciated!!!

Chicklet all shiny, thanks to Melissa hours of brushing! The horse are shedding their winter coats and they can be brushed for an hour each day!

What's a picture collection of animals without one of the cows! I even got one to look at me!!
And our ever-wet, water loving puppy Maddie!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
For All The Saints...
Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness drear, their one true Light.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,
And win with them the victor’s crown of gold.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
All are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
And hearts are brave, again, and arms are strong.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
And singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost:
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Heart Is Decietfully Wicked..Who Can Know It?
Here are some section taken from the Toronto Star...
33 die, 26 hurt in bloodbath
Gunman opened fire on campus of Virginia Tech University, then killed himself.
Apr 16, 2007 04:20 PM SUE LINDSEY
Associated PressBLACKSBURG, Va. — A gunman opened fire in a Virginia Tech University dorm this morning and then, two hours later, shot up a classroom across campus, killing 32 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.
- The gunman committed suicide, bringing the death toll to 33.
- The massacre took place at opposite sides of the 2,600-acre campus, beginning at about 7:15 a.m. at West Ambler Johnston, a coed dormitory that houses 895 people, and continuing at least two hours later at Norris Hall, an engineering building about a half-mile away, authorities said.
Two people were killed in a dormitory room and 31 others were killed in the engineering building, including the gunman, police said.
- “Today the university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions,” Steger said. “The university is shocked and indeed horrified.’’
- Up until today, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history was in Killeen, Texas, in 1991, when George Hennard plowed his pickup truck into a Luby’s Cafeteria and shot 23 people to death, then himself.
- The massacre today took place almost eight years to the day after the Columbine High School bloodbath near Littleton, Colo. On April 20, 1999, two teenagers killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before taking their own lives.
- Founded in 1872, Virginia Tech is nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwestern Virginia, about 160 miles west of Richmond. With more than 25,000 full-time students, it has the state’s largest full-time student population. The school is best known for its engineering school and its powerhouse Hokies football team.
- The rampage took place on a brisk spring day, with snow flurries swirling around the campus. The campus is centered around the Drill Field, a grassy field where military cadets — who now represent a fraction of the student body — once practiced. The dorm and the classroom building are on opposites sides of the Drill Field.
As George W. Bush said in his presedential address this afternoon, may we all keep the families affected by these tragedies in our prayers and may the God of comfort be with them.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Anyway hope you all have a Blessed Easter. See ya in a few weeks! Bye!
Ps. Just to explain why I never got pictures up from the last SV day - my computer went nuts and deleted tons of programs along with almost all of my pics from last couple months. :( And unfortunately the 150 that were still on my camera....well my brother 'accidentely' pushed the 'Delete All' Button. So yeah no fun!