Eventully the Great Tower did fall, scattering Jenga blocks all over the kitchen floor. We were still finding them the next day! I think the final count was 28 layers, which is one of the highest I've seen in a while. Though at one point at Coffeehouse Matt, Pete, Cory and I had a pretty tall one, but we never counted the layers.
After Chris and Kyle were finished, Michael and Hendrik had some fun with the blocks. Here Hendrik is admiring his tower minutes before it would fall. I think the 2 of them spent 20 minutes building towers, and watching them fall, building towers and watching them fall. Amazing how much entertainment 54 little pieces of wood can provide!
lol why the flip is Kyle wearing headphones? Like, I know you can get annoying, but, that annoying?
I'm ONLY KIDDING, of course. You are never annoying. Jenga rocks. And we need to get together sometime soon. I'm dying...
Hey thanks a lot Melissa!! I don't know why he was wearing them...probaly to block out all the noise! ;)
Aww, you're so nice. You're right Jenga rocks, and yah I guess if you're dying I should come and see you!! Just out of politeness of course!
I'm hurt.
You could use a shiny, brand, new post right abouts now you know?
Just thought I'd give you the heads up on that one. ;-)
"What do you think, the plane is going to crash and we are all on the ground in a thousand pieces dead? I promise you, if it happens, you won't feel a thing."
Hellllllllllllo! Christmas is long past you know...??? New post? Por favor?
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