Ok, I'm attempting to get into blogging again!! I don't know how many blogs I've made over the past weeks and months, and then ended up forgetting or losing all the passwords or usernames. Anyway this past time, I thought I'd be smart (I finally learned) and I wrote down the username and password, in a safe place of course! Then when I went to sign it took me to one of my blogs that was made like a month ago, and has nothing on it. So now I can't get on my last blog, to post or switch settings or anything. So I start again. Hopefully I can get it right this time. Hopefully most of you saw the pics on the last blog, because I'm not in the mood for republishing them again. However I do have some pictures of the puppies, so I'll try to upload them. Again, sorry for all the blog switching, and I hope I got it figured out now.
May God bless you with a very Merry Christmas, and may He continue to bless you all richly in the coming year.

Aren't they adorable?! The one Melissa is holding was walking around this little piece of straw on his nose for like 5 minutes. It looked hilarious! The ones Mike and I have were so cudly - you could lay them out in your arms, and they would just sit there all dopey like. I can't wait till we get to take ours home. By the way does anybody have any good suggestion for names? We are getting a little girl.
Ha. Man I'm special again. :-D
Cute puppies! Too bad they're not as cute as mine. :( lol just kidding.
Man, when people say females can't make up their minds...maybe they're-n't all that wrong. ;)
It's late. Cute pups. Make sure you tell me when you get her!
Lost in cyberspace! Glad you found some new Blog real estate.
Nice photos. I'm personally more of a cat guy, but puppies are cool too. And they actually understand that *you* are the master, not the other way around.
they are sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!
hi btw =D
Your puppies? What't the supposed to mean?
I think I like puppies better. Cats are cute when they're little, but I don't know most cats get like fat, and lazy when they grow old. There are exceptions I'm sure, but over all I like dogs better.
Yah, I know everytime I see them they're cuter. Maybe I'll walk over and see them today...
Oh and hi back, it's been a while. Good to here from you.
What you do is get a dog and a cat so that you won't have to worry about when you forget to feed your dog.
And yeah...Pongo is still a 'puppy...' :-)
Hey Marie!
I thought i would check out your blog! Its really nice.
Have a very Merry Christmas! I will email you soon
Ok, that's nice of you Melissa!! I'm sure the cat would appreciate it. And I'd like to correct your grammar, in your first comment you made it sound like you have puppies not just one puppy. Don't ask me how to fix it, but it does sound like it's kind of wrong.
Hey Janita!! Good to see you on here!! Thanks for commenting. Hope you had a Merry CHristmas too!! Yah I should email you too soon...
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