The other night my Opa took my family and my Uncle Ron's out to the Mandarin! We had an awesome time and ate ourselves almost sick! But hey what esle is the Mandarin for?! :)
After we went to my Uncle's and saw his relatively new house. There we also got to check out my cousin Gary's electric guitar. He bought it out in Edson, Alberta when he used to live out there. Anyway he had a nice system and he got Matt all pshyced up about it, so Matt went out last night and got one for himself!
It sounds pretty cool and I'm pretty sure it won't leave Matt's arms for a while! The only way I managed to get this picture is cause he's gone to work...he said this morning when I dropped him off that he's going to be thinking about it all day!

All thanks to Gary! (not a good picture)
MATT BOUGHT AN ELECTRIC GUITAR??? Oh man, I have to come and play it!! Are you for real? Hey...I'm gonna call you tonight, but do you want to get together on sunday at all? I'm going to Renee's...we're going to go to the MH in the morning, and then I'm hanging out there for a while, biking, swimming and stuff, but I thought if you wanna do something after...but yah I'll call.
Lucky guy......ask him if i can borrow it for a week or so some time kk:D
He is soooo lucky!!!!!
Yah, he's kind of sporadic. He just decided he wanted one so he went to the store and within ten minutes he had picked one out!!
I'll ask him about letting you borrow it Janelle! :)
Rock on, my man Matt! I look forward to some nice accompaniment for future YP get-togethers. He, he!
Are you looking for accompaniment or noise?? :)
well which does he play?
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