This past weekend a bunch of your YP group went up to the Brockville Conference. Though I've met some of their young people before this was the first time I actually went there. We had an amazing weekend.
Our speaker was Rev. Jeremy Veldman, and the theme was 'Running the Race'. We had three amazing seminars and I really enjoyed them all.
Saturday aft. after the seminars we went for a hike up Blue Mountian (not the one in Collingwood). Though it was quite a hike and there were a million trillion horsefly's and twice the many mosquitos it was really pretty and and a ton of fun.
Unfortunately my camera is a piece of junk and quickly becoming worse so the pics aren't the greatest quality but here's a few anyway.

Standing around before the hike waiting for everyone to come.
From left to right: Natasha, Ashleigh, Mike, Devon, Sarah, ?, Jen, Jason, Matt' shoe, and Chris' shirt.

View from the top of the 'mountian'.

Matt and Issac
Rhonda, Jolena, Nancy and Sarah at the top of the mountian.
Jacqueline and Jeremy (our speaker),
That evening we went to Dan's house and played some sports and had a campfire.
Sarah (the one waving), Richard and Michelle

We stayed at Ashliegh's place. They had a gorgeous house and property.
Here's the view out of the front windows:
We had an awesome time. Thanks again for everything everyone did! Looking forward to next year's!!