Monday we went to the Toronto Zoo. We had airmiles to use and my Dad had figured we could either get 1/2 the people up the CN Tower or all the family half-way up or everyone could go to the zoo. SO we chose the zoo. 
My friend and ancestor!


A zebra - in case you hadn't figured it out!

A giraffe, I've never seen them do the bending at the kness thing....looks very uncomforteable.

A big, fat lazy rhino!
They had so many signs warning of bears it was ridiculous. I mean of couse there's bears, it's a zoo!!! Hello? They made it sound like they have bears wandering all the zoo pathways and you should usually try to avoid them! Duh?
Here's the scariest of all the bears!!! Like the sideways effect? :)
Mr. Boa Constrictor!!
David doing one of his favourite things.....chasing the millions upon millions of Canadian Geese that were wandering around the park.

My friend and ancestor!


A zebra - in case you hadn't figured it out!

A giraffe, I've never seen them do the bending at the kness thing....looks very uncomforteable.

A big, fat lazy rhino!

Chris at the man-made but cool waterfalls!

Susie in the rock caves.

Matt a sittin on the rocks.

Matt and Chris
YEAH! First to comment! :-)
Looks like you guys had an awesome time, love the pictures!! I can tell that it only takes 45 seconds to load pictures now... ;-)
But that's awesome! Can't wait til Saturday!
Cool pictures Marie!
Did you guys get high speed?
I havn't been to the Toronto Zoo in ages, about time for it again :)
The CN tower was a cool experiance.
oops, that was me!
Cool pictures, I love the boa constrictor one!
We went there last summer. It's a cool place isn't it?
no, Karen we didn't. I just found a new way to resize pictures. It's awesome.
Those snakes are so cool looking, I just wouldn't want to meet them on my own.
Yah the zoo is pretty well. It's massive. And we covered pretty much every exhibit in one day!!! Very tiring, but fun.
You wouldn't Marie? Don't you like the thought of helping out some poor creature by being it's breakfast? ;-P
I was trying to remember where I had seen that waterfalls...I went to the TZ on a class trip in like, grade two, and I have a picture of me and my class standing in that same spot! (I think I have one somewhere, anyways...)
Nice post, I don't think I've been to the Toronto Zoo before. Looks like fun! Sry I didn't comment sooner. :( Tim told me you were mad at me for not posting.
I'm sad that I missed the game that you guys played last night. Sounds like you had fun! Well hopfully with this nice weather we can play some more sports! Well I better go... I've got some things to do since my trip lasted a "little" (lol) longer then planed!
I wasn't actuallt 'mad'!! :)
Yah I know I was hoping you'd come, and then Tim told me you were 'babysiiting or something', but then Joe told me you were with Chrissy. And tim was like who cares? Boys....:)
Anway hopefully see you tomorrow. Hear all about your nice long trip!!!
sorry i haven;t been on here for ages!!!
Awesome post....its a kewl Zoo we're gonna go soem time this summer too!!
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